Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Special Delivery

It's been almost two weeks since my birthday and I've still gotten nothing from my boyfriend. It's not that he didn't get me anything, it just hasn't come in yet. And I have to say, that it just might be one of my favorite gifts ever.

Mike Fontenot isn't the greatest player in the MLB or even on the Cubs team, but if you know anything about me by now, it's that I love him. So, that's what I'm getting in the mail. A Fontenot jersey. I'm very excited to support my team as well as my favorite player. It's just killing me having to wait for it. Don't be surprised it I wear it every day. Ok, I definitely won't, but it's exciting none-the-less. It was ordered a month ago and it still hasn't been shipped. At first, my boyfriend complained to the company but then it was explained to him that they don't have Fontenot jerseys in stock and it had to be manufactured somewhere else. My question is, why don't they have his jerseys in stock? That fact was shocking to me. Shocking.

So once I get my jersey, I'll be walking around campus in style. On game days, I'll wear Fontenot proudly along with my ball cap. Hopefully it will bring just enough luck to the Cubs to push them through the playoffs and into the World Series. That's what I'd like to think anyway.

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